
Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials
A Russian Blue cat has owned us for years and we have always had a hard time finding items with her breed pictured on them. A recent search brought us here and we found yard flags we had never seen before. Ordered them all and when they arrived, they were even better than expected. Also, I contacted the site owner for help with order status and her response was quick, sympathetic to my needs and she quickly diminished my delivery concerns.
Furry Partners is the first entry on my Favorite bar!!

Stephen Marriott

Added Dec 6, 2013

I've been purchasing dog treats from Furry Partners for two years now and have been very happy with my experience. Orders have always been on time and have arrived in great shape. Great selection of small treats for small breed dogs like mine. Owner Mary is a pleasure to speak with and always replies to e-mails regarding questions very quickly, usually the same day. She loves what she does and provides a great site and products and knows how special our furry friends are to us! Thank you!!

Victoria Ladd

Added Nov 16, 2013

One of the fastest response times to questions I have ever received from a seller. As nice a person to talk to on the phone as I could ever ask for. Loves what they do and it shows in the site full of great products that do work. The items are sent out very quick which brings me back time and time again. I gladly refer this site on a regular basis to my friends. Thank you for the great site and job you do for us to enjoy.

Rick Curl

Added Nov 7, 2013

My dogs LOVE the cookies.
The neighbour was very pleased with the Tennessee Walker mugs.
Fast easy deal. You have a good site with good product.
So very nice to find a company online that delivers on the promisses they make.

Will be ordering more soon.

Michael, Arizona

Michael Mollenkopf

Added Nov 5, 2013

Wonderful selection of gourmet dog treats and fabulous customer service. I have ordered a number of times and have been exceptionally pleased overall. Mary and everyone at Furry Partners understand the importance of our furry "kids" and strive to provide them the best. I look forward to continuing to order in the future


Added Oct 31, 2013